As John Podhoretz recently summarised in Commentary:
Richard Goldstone, the South African jurist who fronted the U.N. report bearing his name that alleged massive Israeli war crimes in the Gaza war of 2008-2009, has taken to the pages of the Washington Post to say, in effect, “never mind”:
We know a lot more today about what happened in the Gaza war of 2008-09 than we did when I chaired the fact-finding mission appointed by the U.N. Human Rights Council that produced what has come to be known as the Goldstone Report. If I had known then what I know now, the Goldstone Report would have been a different document.
There’s a lot more throat-clearing and argle-bargle about the necessity for investigations and the need for balance and the like, but the simple fact is this: That Richard Goldstone did not know in 2009 that Hamas is a terrorist monstrosity which functions parasitically off civilian populaces while Israel is a beacon of war-fighting restraint in a manner practically unknown in the course of human history suggests even more plainly than the report itself that he is a dupe, a fool, a clown, and a worldwide embarrassment. Not to mention a special kind of reprehensible and appalling figure of inglorious, hideous shame to his own people through the delivery and promulgation of a false document that helped anti-Semites everywhere feel themselves justified.
He was then, and is now, an entirely despicable public figure—and so is his op-ed, by the way, which continues to act as though it is appropriate to draw parallel inferences about Hamas and the state of Israel. It would be right for world Jewry that his name be hereafter summoned as we summon Benedict Arnold’s, or Tokyo Rose’s.
Goldstone's Report and Blood Libel had one positive effect, it drew from the woodwork the poisonous personalities of a number of prominent self hating, Israel Hating, anti capitalist Jewish Rabbis who have sucked off the teet of the Jewish community for too long, using the credibility bestowed by their rabinnical titles and, generally blissfully unaware congregations, to promote Hamas, attack Israel and undermine Jewish Welfare, in pursuit of their true god, Karl Marx.
Why is it important to point out these far left Israel haters in Rabbi's clothing, who use their positions as "rabbis" to deligitimize Israel at every opportunity - the facts and the truth be damned? As Jennifer Rubin of the Washington Post says,
"It’s key to Israel’s defense against the delegitimizers. It is not Israel that should be delegitimized, but the fleet of phony human rights groups and their enablers such as J Street who use the gloss of “human rights” to conduct a bad-faith campaign of attack on Israel’s right to exist and to defend itself. They simply are not legitimate, unbiased human rights groups. The Goldstone episode, if nothing else, makes that abundantly clear."
Rubin says it well:
"Israel is fighting for its survival not only on the battlefield but in the court of public opinion. For those who believe truth matters, it is important to point out the untruths and agenda of Israel’s attackers. Those who shrink from acknowledging the falsity of the attacks on Israel either have common aims with the phony human rights groups or have lost the capacity to make moral distinctions. The latter is a much bigger problem for elite intellectuals, and goes well beyond the topic of Israel."
These Rabbi's who purport to speak for the Jewish community, knowing they represent a sliver of a tiny fraction of the radical left do so dishonestly, with the knowledge and expectation that Israel will be deligitimised by their effort.
One of these despicable Rabbis is Rabbi Phyllis Berman.
Rabbi Phyllis Berman, long time radical left Israel Hater signed a letter in which she not only defended the Goldstone Blood Libel, but Rabbi Phyllis Berman also:
"... affirm[ed Goldstone's] findings and believe [Goldstone] set up an impeccable standard that provides strong evidence that Israel engaged in war crimes during the assault on Gaza that reveal a pattern of continuous and systematic assault against Palestinian people and land "
In her despicable letter of support, Rabbi Phyllis Berman continues "Your report made clear the intentional targeting of civilian infrastructures such as hospitals, schools, agricultural properties, water and sewage treatment centers and civilians themselves with deadly weapons that are illegal when used in civilian centers."
Here is the letter:
Rabbi Phyllis Berman, who also continues her support for Jewish Fast for Gaza, even as Hamas smuggled missiles rain down on Israeli civilians and target school buses, deserves the same condemnation as does Goldstone.
Please help to highlight her role and remove his veneer of legitimacy!
Any congregation or organization that pays the salary and countenances the actions of a Rabbi such as Rabbi Phyllis Berman deserves the contempt and condemnation of the community.
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